To the question “how can an idea become an app or a successful product?”, our Tech & Innovation team answered by setting up a methodological and technological framework, at the crossroads of DevOps, Agile and Lean Startup practices. It allows to accelerate the whole production phases of a MVP (Minimum Valuable Product), from the product vision to the run mode.

This multidisciplinary team composed by experts in data, full-stack engineers, experienced designers and growth hacking experts is now the providers of a lot of innovative projects, of which it holds the recipe of an accelerated go-to-market.

Thanks to our App Factory born in 2016, the framework can rely on ready-to-use infrastructures, architectures and brick shelves patterns. This allow us to accelerate and make more reliable the launch of our projects.

This is through this framework that we developed, in our own incubator, the following apps: Foreseeds, Quiz, Communities Analytics and Cross. We use our skills in every project conducted for our clients in order to reach the MVP in 3 months.