Ici archive

01 Business Forum 3rd edition, a BFM Business event around companies’ digital transformation, will take place at Paris Georges 5 Eurosites next Thursday 28th of September 2017.

For this special event, Saegus will lead a roundtable discussion during the Digital Networking Lunch on “Rebirth of IT: which expert to support digital transformation?”. Participants will be able to exchange with Marc Trilling, CEO and founder of the consulTech advisory firm Saegus, bringing together concrete and useful solutions to digital transformation problem.



For any question, don’t hesitate to give us a call at +33 6 12 46 80 95 or to email gaelle.pommereau@saegus.com

Personal assistants has never received most media attention. Apple with Siri, Microsoft with Cortana, Google Now or Amazon with Alexa and Samsung with Bixby… the main tech players make massive investment to propose permanently more interactions and skills. A vocal assistant, really personal? The promise couldn’t be more ambitious but is slow to take hold.

Since Siri appeared in 2011, first true personal assistant for the general public, everyone are succeeding with different declinations, but a common target: us and our precious data. The assistant will be personal only on condition to know ourselves deeply and closely. The war was declared! Started with smartphones that follow us on a daily basis, then with smartwatches, inside our cars (Carplay, Android auto…) and now entering our homes (Amazon Echo, Google Home and HomePod).

The recent partnership between Amazon and Microsoft underlines this challenge. Failure to comply on smartphones market, they make an arrangement to go further. Microsoft brings professional world and large companies, while Amazon brings its deep knowledges on mass markets. This could become a future tech giant, as long as they manage to do more than just a mere inter-connection and manage a transparent interoperability for end users.

End users are actually becoming more and more demanding. As for the assistant, they want it to be personal and therefore relevant to their needs. Otherwise, they will wait or worse, refuse to give their precious data. The bet is yet to be won, especially when we look at the penetration rate of smart speakers such as Amazon Echo: 70% of the US market and only 4% of penetration rate in American homes.

Personal assistants are a promise for something else. A real conversation, a sharp anticipation of our needs, an improvement of our daily life. Would touch screens be in the process of being overshadowed? Same for text? Voice command is without a doubt the most natural way to interact, which would mean an upcovoice first era slowly starting today. What about tomorrow? It’s a little too early to be sure, but personal assistants are one of artificial intelligence’s usage which increased so much it put all the theories on innovation to shame. Personal assistants are definitely going to have a major impact on all of us, whether at home or in the office, and we should keep an eye on it, for sure.

The broadcast can be viewed again here

For any question, don’t hesitate to give us a call at +33 6 12 46 80 95 or gaelle.pommereau@saegus.com

Our Workplace and Factory teams joined their forces to create automatically conversations from Jive to Teams, via an API automation.

Thanks to new REST endpoints (still in beta) of API Graph, our Workplace consultants have been able to design this new service, delivered by our Factory developpers.

In the caption below you will see the result of the migration of a community from a social platform (here Jive) to Microsoft Teams, the new released – and promising – service from Microsoft.

Want to know more ?

Contact us at gaelle.pommereau@saegus.com 

See you soon!

The Great Place to Work® Institute’s Program awarded us as a company where it is great to work!

“Congratulations to Saegus amongst the companies certified Great Place to Work®. This innovative startup, located in Paris characterized by its “team animation” which is a good practice contributing to rank Saegus as an office where it is good to be”, said Patrick Dumoulin, CEO of Great Place to Work® France-based.

We are glad to share it with you today 🙂 You may have a look on the video to watch us as happy collaborators.

Don’t hesitate to meet us, we would enjoy your venue. Just give a message to gaelle.pommereau@saegus.com to notify us of your visit.

See you soon,